I don’t know about Katie Couric’s move to CBS. I mean, the ''whole first female solo anchor'' thing is all well and good, but as the above cartoon insinuates, Katie may not be the best choice as an evening news anchor.
Sure, she reported the news on the Today Show, but she also moderated cooking segments and showed us the new-spring fashions. She’s like that nice neighbor lady who would bake you cookies, show you her new milkshake maker, discuss the protest in France, tell you what Salma Hayek is like, and ask how your first year at college went.
In other words, she’s trustworthy, intelligent, and resolute; but she’s also sweet, personable, and non-threatening. I’m not sure those last qualities are what are needed behind the anchor’s desk of a hard hitting, news driven program.
Of course, the other problem for CBS—and in general, the concept of the evening news cast—is that by 6:30 pm, people have already gotten the day’s news via their cable stations. I know, personally, by 6:30 pm I’ve already watched an hour of The Situation Room with Wolf Blizter (CNN), an hour of Hardball with Chris Mattews (MSNBC), and 30 minutes of Lou Dobbs Tonight (CNN). That’s quite a force for CBS, ABC, and NBC to compete with, and I don't think that Katie Couric is the solution.
Warren, you're alive and back to commenting on other people's blogs! Hehe!
I like the new template, but the font is unnaturally large?
I agree with you about Couric. I'm not sold yet. She grates on my nerves. But CBS is dead last in the nightly news ratings, so I mean, honestly ... they were probably scraping the barrel in that one. You can't be Brian Williams. I met the guy ... so smooth!
P.S. Have you talked to Skippy recently? All he ever does is IM me and say, "Oh wait, I gotta go attend to the ladies in my room." What a pimp.
Warren, of course I care!
I know, just when I was thinking of moving to D.C. myself, Skippy throws that curveball at me.
Well, nothing is happening for sure until we both get jobs, so ...
But Shanghai is a crazy awesome city, I'm not surprised Skippy doesn't want to leave.
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