Big props to Nick "Skippy" C. for helping me figure out how to post the picture of me that you see to your right.
Now, to the post proper: I just wanted to tell you about the "Millennium Chapel"
If you live in or near Chapel Hill/Durham, NC, or ever visited, you'll notice there are NO tall buildings. Even downtown Durham lacks the skyscrapers of your typical American city. It's pretty much civilization behind trees, which is actually very calming. There is one exception to this rule, and it would be the building you see to your left.
Imagine, driving down a busy highway (e.g. 15-501) , and the horizon is just trees. Suddenly, out of no where, is this large, shiny, building. I swear, it's a surprise every time I pass by it.
Now, some people call this building "The Phallus" which I can understand, but come on, pretty much any tower is going to be phallic, so that's just not a good name for it. Some people call it by its real name, which is University Tower. Boring.
I call it the Millennium Chapel. Why? Well, I like to think of it as the future's solution to housing places of worship in an ever crowded metro area. Plus, with all the glass against the sky, it seems almost heavenly.
Ok, yeah, I may be a bit crazy, because, really, it's an office building. But "Millennium Chapel" is certainly better than saying, "The Phallus," ya gotta admit.
Is that a UNC building? Duke? Or just a building in Chapel hill? I'm confused.
You're awesome!
It's not affiliated with either school, and it's a 10-15 drive to either school's campus from University Tower. I'm guessing because it's kinda equidistant from UNC & Duke (and you can probably see both campus from the top floor windows) they thought University Tower would be a good name.
You're more awesome!!
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