Remember when Mr. Consonery mentioned "that tourist trap on I-95", and then I stated amusement at the statement, "You never sausage a place"?
And remember how you and Tara were confused? And remember how Nick and I tried to explain the aforementioned tourist trap to you? And remember how you probably don't care anymore, but I still wanted to show you the billboard?
Yeah, those were good times.
thanks for putting my name on the internet warren. now i'm associated with a giant sausage.
Nick, man I am so not even going there.... but congrats I guess.
Warren, you're the best - keep on rockin' in the free world (unlike Nick).
- AK
i have no problem being associated with a giant sausage on-line.... as long as the admin never finds out about it...
although they are FAR more likely to discover that we kept a cactus from our greenhouse sale that is incredibly Freudian in our faculty lounge....
I am certain it was so that when nipping in for a cup of coffee we could catch a view of the cactus erect and giggle in a very immature fashion that then would require explanation from the older emeritus faculty who haunt the lounge like misplaced ghosts of yore...
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