Also, before tonight I've never seen someone build a chair fort to throw peanuts, but that's another story.
A while ago my lunchbox went missing, and I decided to let you know about the resulting upheaval. Sometimes I'll be clever, witty and insightful, or I'll discuss the mundane and fail to use a semicolon. Sometimes I'll discuss the state of the world, or reference John Mayer lyrics. This is my blog; you game?
That's just wrong, man... I thought I was deprived when I played my first game of flipcup a month after I graduated...
um, flipcup? i've heard of it. ha ha
Warren, two things:
One, don't ever let the Hsu make you feel guilty about anything that has anything to do with alcohol. She is even more of a lightweight than me, and that is saying something.
Two, flipcup is a game where you put two rows of plastic cups filled with shitty beer in a row on two sides of a table Then, doing either one-on-one or teams, you pick up the first cup, chug it, and then set it down on the edge of the table with just a little bit of it sticking over the edge. Then you hit that part sticking over the table with an upward motion, attempting to flip it over and land it upsidedown on the table. Once this has been accomplished, you or your teammate picks up the next cup, chugs it, and does the whole thing over again. Its a race, and the first team to chug all their cups and flip them over wins. Yay.
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